Innovate and Excel

Hargeisa Technical Institute was established in the year of 1956. It locates in Hargeisa, the district of Ahmed Dhagax next to Somaliland Ministry of Public Work and Housing. After the civil war, the school has been a host for an Internal Displaced Households from 1991 till when the school was re-opened in 2003. It was a government run-boarding school before 1991 when the central government of Somalia destroyed. The school was rehabilitated its infrastructure including classes and workshops and equipped through donor funding support. From 2006 the school has been supported by international organizations mainly

Save the Children offering short-term skills training. Save the Children has supported in rehabilitation and building of school infrastructure including class-rooms, girl friendly spaces, workshop and library. In addition, the centre has been equipped its workshops, instructors trained and supported school cost-recovery system.

Apart from the short-term skills training, Ministry of Education and Science started technical secondary education in 2015 where the school name has been changed to Hargeisa Technical Secondary School.

Our Vision

Hargeisa Technical Institute vision is to cover the skilled personnel demand in the market to improve local economy and our Graduates will be professional role models in the workplace, post-secondary and in their communities.

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster a lifelong commitment to learning, personal responsibility and career grown with academic and technical proficiency, while preparing students to be effective in Somaliland and horn of Africa community